All pets needs to be registered with a vet, just like each person is registered with a doctor.
Each vet in the UK has to be registered through the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. This makes sure that good quality care is given by each veterinarian, and creates a network for them to work from.
Once you have registered with your vet, they become your first stop for advice and healthcare concerning your pet.
When you have an issue about your pet’s health, you should contact your vet, or take them directly there if it is an emergency.
Cost of pet healthcare and going to the vet
Unfortunately, a vet is not like the NHS, which is a free service, and paid for by taxpayer money.
This means that you will have to pay bills whenever you take your pet to the vet. They can also become rather expensive, so you should check what sort of costs your local vet will charge before purchasing an animal.
Some vets may offer package deals which can help to bring down the costs of your pet health bills. You will have to check with your veterinarian to see if they have any special offers that can help you out.
Pet insurance
Dog insurance is a very useful safety net, and can help to cover pet health bills, should your dog fall ill.
Pet bills can be expensive, and difficult to cover, something you don’t want to have to contend with while your pet is feeling ill and needs aid. This is where insurance can help out, and cover the costs.
Dog insurance can also provide you with public liability cover, which means it will pay out should your animal cause damage to people or property. These costs can, in extreme cases, run up bills which extend into the millions of pounds.
Shop around for the best deals on dog insurance, and check each product to make sure you, and your pet, are covered adequately.
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